There’s a saying in marketing circles that “content is king.”

Well, we have a new one: video is vital.

Statistic after statistic says that video is where you need to be.

By 2022, video will be 82% of all web traffic.

Videos are shared 12x more than text and images combined.

And some studies show that including video on your landing pages can boost conversions by 80%!

Still, not everyone is jumping on board. That’s because many people think they need fancy cameras and high-end production gear to get into video.

But that’s not true. Here are 5 simple ways you can create more video content right now.

1. Use Zoom to record interviews or team meetings

Zoom is a simple, free tool that you can use to hold video calls. By using Zoom’s recording function, you can make a video out of an interview or meeting with your team.

All you have to do is hit the “record” button at the bottom of the Zoom screen during your call. Zoom will start recording your screen and audio. When you’re done, Zoom will save the video as an MP4 that you can edit with a video editor like Filmora, or post as is.

2. Record “behind the scenes” on your phone

Phone cameras have come a long way. Newer models have impressive features like stabilization, timelapse and slow-motion.

Use that technology to let people peek behind the curtain at your company.

Do you have any interesting spaces in your office, like a unique patio or breakroom? Use them as a backdrop to share new projects you’re working on. Or walk through your design process from prototype to finished product.

You could also set up a tripod for your phone and have a chat with a few of your most engaging employees. Ask questions about where they started their careers, how they ended up working at your company, and what upcoming projects they’re excited about. Keep it fun and entertaining!

Just make sure to put your phone on airplane mode before you start recording. You don’t want to get a phone call right when the action is starting!

Let’s chat to see how we can help you with website videos production and marketing . Call me at 832.677.4620